Friday, March 13, 2009

"Interest-Based" Advertsing Coming To Google's Adsense

Calling all Adsense advertisers! Google announced that Adsense is undergoing some changes due to the upcoming launch of "Interest-based" advertising. My first thought was, what the heck is that?!

On their blog, Google explains that ....

"Interest-based advertising will allow advertisers to show ads based on a user's previous interactions with them, such as visits to advertiser website and also to reach users based on their interests (e.g. "sports enthusiast"). To develop interest categories, we will recognize the types of web pages users visit throughout the Google content network. As an example, if they visit a number of sports pages, we will add them to the "sports enthusiast" interest category. To learn more about your associated account settings, please visit the AdSense Help Center at"

Although the description leaves something to be desired and is a bit cryptic, it seems clear that Google believes Adsense adversiers can look forward to increased visibility and bang for the buck in the future. Initially the offering will be limited to a certain number of advertisers as part of beta testing, but the remainder of users can look forward to seeing this in later 2009.

Anyone using Adsense will need to check their privacy policy and make any adjustments necessary to cover the new "Interest-based" advertising. The deadline for doing so is April 8, 2009. For info on how you can adjust your settings, you can visit

If you're interested in reading more about Google's interest-based advertising, you can visit the Inside AdSense Blog at Already there are multiple Google fans weighing in with over 80 comments and questions on the subject as of today, March 13th.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Attraction Marketing Can Get A Boost From SEO

Who out there researches keywords? If you ran away from the computer when I asked that question my sympathies are with you.

When Sumantra Roy first introduced the Keyword Efficiency Index and showed us how we could really determine which words to optimize our sites for in an effort to gain targeted traffic, he opened the door for massive crowds of people to work their way up the search engine ladder; I know because I was one of them (and so were my clients).

KEI compares the Count result (number of times a keyword is searched on) with the number of competing web pages and then assigns it a number (1-400) which pinpoints exactly which keywords are most effective for a campaign. Companies like Wordtracker and WebPostion jumped on the bandwagon and saught to grab up the marketplace by offering tools to help with your search engine ladder climb.

But when the Internet took off (millions of websites rather than thousands), I saw a drop off in organic search engine optimzation. It seemed like competition had became so fierce that even if you would find the words you wanted to use, chances were that the KEI for that word was so low (less than 100) that you'd be trying forever to get your site noticed. It just became too tough to try and sit for hours sifting through keywords to help people searching Yahoo and Google find your site.

So the trend went from Organic SEO to Google's Pay-Per-Click program (Adwords) and was then followed up by the now popular Web 2.0. Latelly it seems all we talk about is the Web 2.0 craze. If you're familiar with it then you know how powerful it is to spread the wealth around - how working multiple networking sites can really help you bring in targeted traffic. If you're not familiar with it, check out this video by Mike Klinger, it tells you everything you need to know in less time than it takes to each lunch.

Last month I wrote to my ezine readers that they should consider returning a portion of their focus to Search Engine Optimization - that keyword research is still valid and we should do it. You might be thinking I'm crazy after just having told you how tough it is to actually do the research but trust me...the winds of change are blowing.

Wordtracker recently announced that they have redone their search tool. Although only select few of their customer base currently have access to the tool, we can expect to see it available to us within the next few weeks.Whereas the old tool focused specifically on KEI, the new tool will allow you to look at keywords through three important metrics:

1. frequency
2. competitiveness
3. commerciality

But the work isn't done yet! On their blog they've announced that with the new tool we will see as many as 9 times the keywords formerly available to us, a better measure of competition and commercial intent.

They are also asking us question such as:

What metrics do you really need?
Do you need prediction of the daily traffic a keyword may attract or do you just want to know the frequencies in our own database?
How useful and accurate is the keyword effectiveness index (KEI)?
What alternative ways to rank keywords would you like to see?
How can we best report the competitiveness of a keyword?
How do you uncover commercial intent?

What makes Wordtracker a standout product in my opinion is they are all about US, the person doing the research and they endeavor to make our lives easier. If you are a keyword research junky, I urge you to participate in the discussion they are hosting through their blog.

They key to attracting traffic to you is to combine Web 2.0 with returned power of keyword research for a campaign that lets you take advantage of all the good things the Internet has to offer.

For detailed information on Keyword Efficiency Index (KEI), see this post:

Monday, March 2, 2009

Attraction Marketer's Manifesto!

Last year I looked at many different marketing products to assist me with my internet marketing efforts. There were so many to choose from! I finally purchased a book from Ann Sieg called The Renegade Network Marketer. At only $67 I thought perhaps it would be worth a purchase. After all, it couldn't hurt right?

I found the information contained in Ann's report to be worth many times over what I initially laid out to get the report. What makes Ann different is that she is focused on YOU; showing you the inns and outs of what works and what doesn't when it comes to online marketing.

Wow am I glad that I chose to follow what Ann is doing wth internet marketing. Working with her just keeps on getting better! Today she released The Attraction Marketer's Manifesto, a FREE 75 page report (pdf) that reveals the inside story of how she finally "cracked the code" of attraction marketing and built a multi-million-dollar business for her family. And this was after her husband's own business had recently gone under.

For all of you who own businesses and are feeling the intense pressure of the economy (and wondering how to grow your business), this a report you can't afford to miss!

One of Ann's biggest contributions to internet marketing was exposing the myth that you must do what I call "grunt work" (cold calling and randomly prospecting strangers) to produce any profitable results. But now she has taken her message further, much further! She shows how anyone - and I do mean anyone - can use attraction marketing to build an automatic online recruiting and selling machine. For low cost or not cost at all.

Now I know what you're thinking. How many more FREE reports can I possibly read?! That's a problem we are all dealing with....information overload. How to work through all the junk to find that one crucial valuable piece of information.

That all stops now as this report will HELP you overcome information overload and open up possibilities you may have never imagined. And it will give you the road map to fulfill the promise of residual income... and it even goes further than that!

Well, I won't give it all away here. You can see for yourself by downloading your own personal copy in a matter of minutes.

Click here to download the report The Attraction Marketer's Manifesto absolutely FREE.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments after you've read the report.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What's The Secret To YOUR Own Economy?

I'm curious. How many of you are feeling affected by the economy right now?

Are you worried about your business? Are you looking for more income streams? Do you want to start a business but are afraid this isn't the right time? Or are you doing great right now?

For myself, I'm always interested in looking for more ways to take charge of my OWN life and my OWN business. My nbox is positively flooded with offers to help me make more money, leverage income streams and earn money with social marketing. Although I do read many of them, quite frankly I will also hit the Delete key and send them into email heaven.

I recently received one email though that had me intrigued. Ali Brown (one of my favorite marketing gurus) is offering a free teleclass on Thursday, March 5, called "How to Create Your OWN Strong Economy This Year...With Online Information Marketing."

I'm planning on attending because I want to make the most out of 2009. Will you join me on the call? Click here to join me.

Please share with me your thoughts and questions below. I'd love to know what you really think about your business and the economy right now!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Elance Calling Attention to Social Media

If you've been keeping up with social media you'll know that the list of sites you can leverage to help expose you to your target market and provide value to your audience is growing. There are so many that at times it can be confusing to keep up with it and decide where to focus your efforts.

Internet marketing expert and Elance "friend" Chris Bennett published an article on Frebruary 9th that attempts to provide some insight into a few social media sites that (although they have been around for a while) are now reaching critical mass and have something to offer those who are focusing on Digg and StumbleUpon in their social media efforts.

Have you heard of How about Check out Chris' article for the complete skinny on these and other great sites you can use to attract attention to your business and build relationships online.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President Leads the Way With Social Media

Today was a big day for all of us in the United States. Barack Obama was sworn in as our 44th President and people were rejoicing all over the country hopeful that a "new era" of change was dawning.

One of the most fascinating things about this election was how the use of Social Media tools played their part in impacting the outcome. Whether you agree with the current state of the union or are looking for change, one thing is for certain - this is the first election in the history of our country where the use of Social Media (podcasts, blogging, Twitter, Facebook) was an enormous factor in the driving force excitement and the Candidate's mobilization of their supporters.

If you're not convinced about the power of social media here's some statistics that may shock you! According to VoceNation as of 1:15 EST today:

1. 600,000 status updates posted through the Live Facebook feed
2. Facebook averaged 4,000 status updates per minute during the broadcast
3. 8,500 status updates were posted during the first minute of Obama’s speech
4. “Millions” of people logged into Facebook during the broadcast

This is a very exciting time for the Internet and for all online business owners. We have more options than ever available to connect with potential partners, build relationships and grow our businesses.

What's your prediction for Social Media this year?

2009 Social Media Telesummit Preview - Will You Be A Part of The Next Wave?


This call is a preview of all the great content you'll get at the 2009 Social MediaTelesummit!

Join Leesa Barnes on a preview call where she will introduce you to 4 business owners who have used social media to influence people and do amazing things.

If Politicians can use Social Media to gain the support of voters, YOU can get the same results for your business - but ONLY if you know what to do!

Register your spot by clicking here and scrolling down until you see the sign-up box.

When: at 8pm EST on Tuesday January 20, 2009