I received the most interesting email today that at first looked like "joke" mail. After taking a momet to visit the website, I found out it wasn't a joke at all! The "Keyboard for Blondes" is actually a neat spin on a niche market.
Today's keyboards are focused. We have black ones, silver ones, flat ones, ergonomic ones, wireless ones and heck, we can even combine them together for more fun (and time) trying to pick which is the best one for us.
They are also so full of shortcut key stickers and tips for things to remember that we can often become focused on the not-so-fun side of computing just trying to get that email sent or that new product purchased off our favorite website. I routinely have my husband in my office and he is absolutely stummped when it comes to typing on my ergonomic keyboard - he HATES it! That's just fine for me because I get my laugh of the day watching an experienced typist chicken-peck out what he wants to type.
The "Keyboard for Blondes" is a refreshingly new spin on an oldie as far as I'm concerned. Sure we're getting a good laugh at the sake of every blonde we know (and I'm a blonde too thank you very much), but why shouldn't we have fun and at least smile ONCE per day when we glimpse our computer equipment. I'm sure some of you see your pc and want to run away screaming depending on how pc savvy you are (or aren't).
So what's the big deal about this keyboard already you're asking? Aside from the fact that it's screaming pink, they've changed the tags on a few of the buttons. It's probably going to be given as the season's "gag" gift to all the blondes out there, but who cares, right? It's fun AND funtional something most of us wished our computers were more of.
My favorite key changes:
1. Space Bar - What used to be the Space Bar is now the "I Need My Space" key. Slam you thumb down on that one and jump one space forward on the page while you crank up the music on you ipod or stereo and create your own "space".
2. Delete Key - has now been aptly renamed the "Oops!" key. If I had a dollar for every time I've ever hit the Delete key I'd be rich by now.
3. Caps Lock key - is now the "Warning XXXL Size Letters" key
Today's keyboards are focused. We have black ones, silver ones, flat ones, ergonomic ones, wireless ones and heck, we can even combine them together for more fun (and time) trying to pick which is the best one for us.
They are also so full of shortcut key stickers and tips for things to remember that we can often become focused on the not-so-fun side of computing just trying to get that email sent or that new product purchased off our favorite website. I routinely have my husband in my office and he is absolutely stummped when it comes to typing on my ergonomic keyboard - he HATES it! That's just fine for me because I get my laugh of the day watching an experienced typist chicken-peck out what he wants to type.
The "Keyboard for Blondes" is a refreshingly new spin on an oldie as far as I'm concerned. Sure we're getting a good laugh at the sake of every blonde we know (and I'm a blonde too thank you very much), but why shouldn't we have fun and at least smile ONCE per day when we glimpse our computer equipment. I'm sure some of you see your pc and want to run away screaming depending on how pc savvy you are (or aren't).
So what's the big deal about this keyboard already you're asking? Aside from the fact that it's screaming pink, they've changed the tags on a few of the buttons. It's probably going to be given as the season's "gag" gift to all the blondes out there, but who cares, right? It's fun AND funtional something most of us wished our computers were more of.
My favorite key changes:
1. Space Bar - What used to be the Space Bar is now the "I Need My Space" key. Slam you thumb down on that one and jump one space forward on the page while you crank up the music on you ipod or stereo and create your own "space".
2. Delete Key - has now been aptly renamed the "Oops!" key. If I had a dollar for every time I've ever hit the Delete key I'd be rich by now.
3. Caps Lock key - is now the "Warning XXXL Size Letters" key
So aside form this being a great new gift for any blonde friend, why am I sharing this with you? I wanted to pinpoint a great example of putting new spin on a product you may use everyday that capitalizes on a niche market. The inventor could have called this product "Keyboard for Brunette's" but it probably wouldn't have the same affect this has. First of all, when you see it you're not sure it's real and second it takes a second to believe someone is actually making money off of it. All it takes is one visit to the website and you know it's the real thing.
By creating the product for blonds, they inventor has capitalized on an existing market base. Look around you....how many products have the word blonde in the title or are specifically for blondes? Currently I'm using a conditioner called "Dumb Blonde" that can be used for any haircolor.
Getting ahead in today's marketplace is all about trends; predicting their rise and downfall and being in front of the next major crowd at the right time. What products or tools do you have around YOU that you can capitalize off of?
For more information on the "Keyboard for Blondes", visit the following links:
http://www.chipchick.com/2008/11/keyboard_blondes_pink_dedicated.html - No, this isn’t just a regular keyboard colored pink just to get women to buy it. This keyboard has got substance.
http://www.nydailynews.com/money/2008/11/25/2008-11-25_now_blondes_can_have_more_fun_while_typi.html - OMG! There's a new keyboard to make a girl's life easy......
http://www.keyboardforblondes.com/ - to purchase your next "blonde" keyboard.

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